Contact Us


Please contact our helpdesk:

If you are new to the survey and would like to participate, but you have not yet been formally invited by an organisation by email. Please let us know if you are a primary school or area school teacher.

For all technical difficulties, including lost survey links, and troubleshooting accessing your survey report.

To amend any of your survey responses.

If you have left the survey and would like to request your contact details to be removed from the research so that we do not contact you again.

If you have accidentally left the survey and would like to re-join.

The helpdesk will respond to your email within 24 hours. Survey data is saved every time you press the Next button, so you will not lose your progress while technical issues are being resolved. The unique entry link you received in your registration email will get you back into the survey at the last page you completed.

Research Feedback

Please contact Professor Phil Riley, the Chief Investigator, with any questions or feedback about this research. You may also contact Professor Phil Riley to arrange individual health and wellbeing assistance.

Philip Riley, PhD, MAPS
Professor, Education Leadership
Research Centre of Educational Impact (REDI)

Faculty of Arts and Education
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood, 3125
Phone +61 (03) 9244 6105


If you have any complaints about the research, the way it is being conducted, or any questions about your rights as a research participant, then you may write to the Manager of the Human Research Ethics Committee care of the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) at Deakin University.

Human Research Ethics Office
Deakin University
221 Burwood Hwy
Burwood VIC 3125
Phone +61 (03) 9251 7123

Please quote research number 2019-341. Any complaint or concern will be treated in confidence and fully investigated. You will be informed of the outcome.